Frequently Asked Questions

What time zone does Tanya work in?

All of these session times are in CST (Central Standard Time) as Tanya works out of Regina, Saskatchewan. Please make sure that you are converting the time to your time zone to avoid issues. Thank you!

What is the cost of a service?

Under the Services tab of this website, you can see the price listed right under the name of the service. If you click on 'Book a Service Online' it will take you to a full booking page with prices and times listed for each service. 

Where do you ship your products?

Shipping is throughout Canada and USA.

How much does it cost to get a reading?

Please see the Services page for exact rates. The cost of a Half-hour Reading is $90.00, One Hour is $180.00,  Distant Reiki is $135.00, connecting with a passed on loved one is $220.00.

What is Reiki Healing and how does it work?

Reiki is meant to bring you back to the oneness! The "Self" only exists in our imagination, in our mind. We create the ego and the world with are thoughts. Our natural state of being is emptiness, unsullied by attributes, by the past and the future. For many of us, this goal is also connected...
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Do you do readings over video chat?

Readings are done over video call, and if you have a iPhone we can Facetime. If not, I'm available to connect on Facebook Messenger or Zoom.  Local readings in person (Regina, Saskatchewan) will begin in July!

What can I expect before and after my Reiki Healing session?

So before we get stared we get in a comfortable position normally sessions are done laying down this is typical as well even for distant. You then just relax and recive the beautiful gift of alignment. After the session is over you may feel a bit tired and dreams may become more clear, its...
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